December 2022 

Greetings Region 8!

We had our semi-annual Region 8 meeting via zoom on the 18th with a good turnout. If you haven’t been getting my email notices of the calls, please contact me at so I can add you to the distribution list.

From the meeting: The new tests are now available on the USDF website at Take a look, and if you have any questions, let me know and I will pass them on. The region’s financials are in good shape, and we approved funds to help the PMs delegates to the Convention with expenses, and additional funds to underwrite swag for those going to the US Dressage Finals. These funds were by and large provided by the silent auction and donations. A highlight of the committee reports was Lois Yukens’ gratitude to our region for the great job done on the L programs. As she said, the ones in Region 8 are the best run programs out there in her opinion. The Committee is working on the ‘sit with’ requirements so that show management will not have to be so involved. The apprenticeships will be done at the shows with a hired judge and outside of the ring. The management will merely have to approve of them being there. It should make less stress on the management.

In new business – we had a general conversation of the roles of GMOs, the maintenance of membership and their relationship to USDF. It was proposed a group be created to discuss these items and other issues relevant to running a GMO. A committee is being formed.

As I’ve been highlighting for the past few months, the Convention will be in Lexington 11/30 – 12/3. The agenda can be accessed here: Our regional meeting is at 8:00 am on 12/2 so I hope to see many of you there. Also, Kate O’Connor and I will be in Lexington for the Finals and will scope out a place to have a regional dinner on the Thursday night. It would be very helpful to have an approximate headcount, so let me know if you are planning to come! Finally, we traditionally wear similar colors to highlight our group – this year we’ll do gray on Friday and black on Saturday.

Upcoming dates/deadlines: (If you or your GMO has an event you would like me to mention, let me know!)

On November 19th and 20th, CDA is offering a clinic to review the changes to USDF tests for 2023 at Sperry View Farm in Bethany, CT. Lisa Schmidt will be the clinician with demo riders. Contact Hanna Calcagni at for more info.

Useful links:

Region 8 Website:

Volunteer Incentive Form:

Good luck to everyone going to the Finals, and have a great time. GO REGION 8!!

All the best!
